The foundation of security for semiconductor devices is the implementation of a hardware Root of Trust (RoT) on which all secure operations of a system rely. With the growing interest in Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) technology as the source of entropy for cryptographic operations, a combined RoT and PUF solution is extremely compelling. Today, Rambus and Intrinsic ID announced the availability of integrated solutions that seamlessly bring together industry-leading RoT and PUF offerings.
Neeraj Paliwal, general manager of Security IP at Rambus explained: “As the number of threats grows with each passing day, it’s imperative that security be anchored in hardware to provide the highest level of data and device protection. As more companies look to add PUF technology to their secure hardware architecture, we are very pleased to offer easy-to-integrate solutions that combine Intrinsic ID’s PUF IP with our Root of Trust security cores.”
Intrinsic ID’s QuiddiKey IP uses the inherently random start-up values of SRAM as a PUF to generate the entropy employed by the Rambus RoT core. The combined solutions can be implemented in almost any chip ranging from tiny microcontrollers to high-performance, complex SoCs. Providing a hardware-based foundation for security, Rambus offers a broad portfolio of RoT solutions, ranging from richly featured military-grade co-processors to highly compact state machines. Rambus Root of Trust solutions protect against a wide range of attacks with state-of-the-art anti-tamper and security techniques.
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