Cyberhackers want to maximize their probability of success by attacking the weakest point of defense. With data centers being virtual fortresses both in the physical and digital domains, adversaries have turned their focus to the edge and end points for exploitation. Imagine the data trove that can be mined from a networked office printer: financials, competitive data, business operations, personnel files…it’s all there for the taking if left unsecured.
That’s why Kyocera selected the FIPS 140-2 CMVP-certified Rambus RT-130 Root of Trust, and AES-IP-38 AES Accelerator to secure their multi-function products. Kyocera is passionate about protecting their customers’ business data. They even published an ebook to explain how companies can secure these vital digital assets. FIPS certification is the gold standard for security solutions signaling that Kyocera solutions provide customers with the highest level of data protection.
What about for other kinds of IoT devices? Well, there’s good news. Rambus has a full family of FIPS-certified, powerful but lightweight, Root of Trust solutions. These support secure boot, manage secure firmware upgrades, administer keys and provide cryptographic services with models appropriate for nearly every kind of IoT device. Our broad line of crypto accelerators and protocol engines encrypt and protect data moving over the network. So whatever IoT devices your chip design addresses, Rambus can help provide the highest level of security for your product.
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