HBM4 Controller IP

Rambus is offering the industry’s first HBM4 Controller IP core designed to support customers with deploying a new generation of HBM memory for cutting-edge AI accelerators, graphics and high-performance computing (HPC) applications.

How the Rambus HBM4 Controller Works

The core accepts commands using a simple local interface and translates them to the command sequences required by HBM4 devices. It also performs all initialization, refresh and power-down functions. The core queues up multiple commands in the command queue. This enables optimal bandwidth utilization for both short transfers to highly random address locations as well as longer transfers to contiguous address space. The command queue is also used to opportunistically perform look-ahead activates, precharges and auto-precharges, further improving overall throughput. The Reorder functionality is fully integrated into the controller command queue increasing throughput and minimizing gate count.
HBM4 Controller Block Diagram
HBM4 Controller Block Diagram

The controller can be delivered standalone or integrated with the customer’s choice of PCIe 6.2.1 PIPE compliant SerDes.

Ask the Experts: HBM4 Controller IP

In this episode of Ask the Experts, we discuss HBM4 with Nidish Kamath, director of product management for memory interface IP at Rambus. Topics discussed include: how AI is influencing the development of the HBM specification, what we know so far about HBM4, the implementation challenges associated with HBM4, the Rambus HBM4 Controller IP offering, and why customers should choose Rambus for their HBM designs.

Solution Offerings

Protocol Compatibility

Protocol Data Rate (Gbps) Max. Application
HBM4 10 AI/ML, HPC, Graphics
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