Home > Security IP > Provisioning and Key Management > CryptoManager Trusted Provisioning Services
A key component to the CryptoManager Platform, our trusted provisioning services enable improved security for SoCs, devices and secure applications by providing a trusted path for sensitive data throughout their lifecycle. This sensitive data can include cryptographic keys and configuration settings to enable application security; personalization information for applications, devices and users; and application, device, and service features; as well as other forms of sensitive information enabling device life-cycle management and robust on-device security services.
The CryptoManager secure in-field provisioning capabilities are based on trust established early in the manufacturing process through integration with the CryptoManager Security Engine as a robust on-device root-of-trust.
This enables a complete cloud-to-silicon full-lifecycle security ecosystem that provides a new level of protection for devices in the field, and fundamentally changes the way that trust is established and managed for mobile devices and applications.
A number of high value mobile application segments are dependent on strong device-side security to manage risks and enable mobile application services businesses. These applications include mobile payments, smart ticketing, content protection, and other applications requiring strong identity, security and trust. With the prospect of multiple trusted applications which, in turn, require support from a mix of trusted stakeholders within the mobile ecosystem, the need for a unified, secure, and trusted provisioning platform has become essential.
Large OEM customers requesting personalization, customer specific data preparation and feature customization of standard parts challenge the chipmakers ability to minimize inventory overhead and improve operating efficiencies.
The CryptoManager solution provides a method for chip and device companies to authenticate the device and authorize the provisioning of the debug enable/disable operation for each device.